Better Together: Staying Connected In This Season, Pandemic Style!

As the days turn colder during a season of heightened anxiety, I’ve been reflecting back on a weekend last December with some of my best girls. A weekend of fun and relaxation, the very thing my heart needed at the time, and is suddenly yearning for again. 

Every year, for the last few years, we have been very intentional about spending time together around the holidays. This past December was the second time I had the opportunity to host a girls weekend. 

We ate delicious food, shopped the cute stores of the town, went to church, drank tea, had girl talk, gave gifts, and spent a sunny winter afternoon at one of my favorite parks. 

Sunday was such a beautiful day. Bright blue sky overhead, the sun sparkling through the trees, a dusting of snow on the ground, cold enough to feel like winter but warm enough to be outside. After eating a delicious lunch at Logan’s with Doug, we went to Riverbend park and walked in the sunshine.

We talked about life, watched dogs chase frisbees, laughed, took photos, and even brainstormed cute ideas for My Midwest Life! I love these girls so much and am so grateful God brought us together in such a beautifully woven way.  That weekend brought much needed rest to my soul.

Right now, when the seasons are changing and there’s so much unknown, I can’t think of a better time to gather with those you love for fellowship, laughter, and fun.

Fun and Unique Ways to Gather in 2020

Take A Walk

Grab your favorite face mask and meet up at a local park for an appropriately distanced walk or picnic table visit. Alternatively, pick a day and time, each pick your own park nearby, grab your headphones and facetime together.  Moving your body out in nature, while talking to friends, is rejuvenating even if we can’t be face to face right now.

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom

I know we’re all “zoomed” out or “screened” out or whatever you want to call it. Trust me, I am too but some zoom calls are worth it. Put on your favorite sweats, grab some hot tea, get cozy in front of the screen and catch up with those most important to you. There are so many ways to customize this hang out too!

Gather for games: Play virtual games together! We have met consistently on zoom during quarantine to catch up and play “Remote Insensitivity” which is version of Cards Against Humanity. It is hilarious!! In fact, Good Housekeeping has put together a great list of all sorts of games you can play on Zoom!

Those who Yoga together, stay together… Get a handful of your closest friends together on zoom, pull up a yoga video and get stretching! Gaiam and Sarah Beth Yoga on YouTube have some great options in a variety of lengths.

Make a meal of it: Do you and your friends love to cook or bake? Pick a recipe everyone wants to try, schedule your zoom call, and catch up in the kitchen while cooking together!

Virtual book club: Create your own book club! Gather your friends, pick a book and meet weekly to discuss it as you work your way through the story. If you don’t want to try creating your own, a lot of libraries and churches are offering virtual book clubs or bible studies. Try getting plugged into one of those!

Join a workshop or class: There are all sorts of groups and websites offering virtual workshops or classes. The Science of Well Being, offered by Yale, is a great example of a free online course. Google some others or sign up for my upcoming Holiday Craft Class!

I know life may be stressful right now but I encourage you to make space for yourself, move your body, and stay connected with friends and family. Gathering together might look different right now but call your tribe, schedule the walk or jump on Zoom together!

Dec. 2019, Riverbend Park, Findlay, OH

How have you been staying connected lately? If you have any other creative suggestions on how to connect right now, share them in the comments below!
