This morning marks the end of my daily yoga practice, for now. And with every end, comes a new beginning. A new beginning filled with unknowns, anxiousness, excitement and most of all, hope. While looking ahead to the new beginning with anticipation, it’s important to pause in the ending. When something ends, almost always, there is grief.
These mornings on my mat outside, surrounded by songbirds, the crisp morning air on my skin, the quiet stillness of being awake before anyone else, these are sacred moments. I cherish these minutes on the mat. Waking up my body with every move, every bend, every stretch, welcoming the new day with a mindset of peace is the best way to start my day – especially on the hardest days. When I have a headache? Yoga. When my sinuses feel pressure? Yoga. When I’m stressed & every muscle in my back aches? Yoga. When I’m full of sadness? Yoga. When I can’t wait for the day or adventure ahead? Yoga. Traveling? Yoga. Always yoga. Every day. Except not tomorrow, or the next, or for many days to follow.
It’s important to sit in the ending. To honor it. To grieve the loss, even if the loss is temporary. To cherish what a gift it’s been until now.
It is an ending.
And it’s a hard one. Harder than I expected even though I knew this day would come. And yet, there is beauty in this ending.
I’m full of gratitude for a body that is strong and capable to move and stretch in such a way. I’m more grateful than ever for the moments of prayer, meditation, and deep peace I’ve been gifted from my mornings on the mat. How I care for my body and mind will look different now and that’s ok. I’ll try new things and learn new habits. I’ll meet God on my walks through nature, instead of on the mat, and I’ll grant myself permission to indulge in Netflix on the days I use the elliptical. And one day, I’ll come back to the yoga mat.
Not every ending comes with finality. I’m lucky mine has a “for now” attached to it. We don’t always know if we’ll get a “for now” stepping into an ending, which is why sitting with the ending matters. But we’ll never cross the ocean unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore. If you’re stepping into an ending today, honor it. Grieve it. And then, look ahead to the new beginning, find the hope, and push off from the shore.